Sunday, September 09, 2007

Side Effects Include: Drowsiness

Are humans inclined to be discontent or are we raised to always want more? I find myself asking this question more and more as I find my groove with college. One of my favorite movies, Fight Club, a movie that speaks about how we are taught from a very young age that we are incomplete unless we have the most up-to-date clothes, or newest cell phone, has a character that says, "Fuck off with your sofa units and strine green stripe patterns, I say never be complete, I say stop being perfect, I say let... lets evolve, let the chips fall where they may." I believe that so much of what makes us an individual has been stolen, repackaged and sold back to us however, I can't get over the very fact that all through high school I thought just as soon as I get to college it will be better, everything will be better.
In high school I took no lunch and all 8 periods were filled with classes that were not even easy classes like gym or senior cooking, but AP Computer Science, Intro to Calc. , Adv. Economics, and French 4. Moreover, I had to take my gym and my health by correspondence. When I received my schedule for college I was pumped. I didn't need to wake up before 9, I was done with classes by 2:15, I had at least an hour lunch every day, and still had 15 credits. Yes, I know most of you say you lucky bastard and it is true, I was lucky.
The 2007 summer, I would hit the snooze button before my first LEAP class would begin and say, "at least I won't need to do this once I can sleep until 9." Now, I sleep to 9 and hit the snooze button again and again every 5 minutes feeling like I had just fallen asleep. So, my question is this, has something corrupted me to only want more and more. I see commercials for cars, sports drinks, shoes, and say, "That was dumb, this commercial obliviously uses the band wagon and humor technique," yet am I, even in knowing some of their cheap tricks, still falling for them, and has it affected things that don't even relate to them, like the amount of sleep I get? My question to you is: are you getting enough sleep?
Game Review:
Title: Bioshock
Systems: Windows and Xbox 360
Players: Single-player
Genre: Action-Mystery, First-Person-Shooter
Welcome to Rapture. The city that knows no limits. A city built deep below the ocean's surface where it could exist with no opposition. "Where artists would not be censored, scientists would not be bound by petty morality, where the big would not be constrained by the small." This led to unlimited possibilities via the development of plasmids. These plasmids can make you "smarter than Einstein, stronger than Hercules and light a fire with the snap of your finger." Welcome to the future, welcome to paradise, welcome to Rapture.
However, this paradise quickly dissolved into what only be described as chaos.
I can sum up my review in three words: "BUY THIS GAME." The graphics, the controls, the story, the concepts, the features, everything is amazing. This game is perfect for beginners to advanced players. This game although it is violent and does have gore has an amazing plot with great objectives and interesting gameplay. You can not possibly think of all the ways to handle any situation in this game. I need to say there is sometimes no greater cure for the blues than lighting a corpse of an enemy on fire then throwing it at a group of enemies that are soon to be corpses themselves. This game plays well on both PC and Xbox 360; however, I recommend Xbox 360 because the control scheme seems better and the graphic are guaranteed perfect. If you choose to use a computer please use the highest graphics, if you can, because anything else just doesn't do it justice. This game is a masterpiece.
Rating: 10 / 10

1 comment:

Carl Richter said...

I've been noticing the same thing while maturing in my last years of high school and first weeks of college. The attitude of "only the best" that is preached daily through the media is a very dangerous aspect of our culture because it teaches us to never be content. I do think we are compelled to want more and more because of media. This is especially the case with America's current culture. I also love the movie "Fight Club" and its message against consumerism. Have you ever read the book? The author Chuck Palahniuk has a great style of writing, and since you find the movie captivating you might want to look into his work.