Monday, September 03, 2007

About me...

With this post I'd like to not only introduce myself to the class and start on my way to achieve an "A" but also build your trust in my opinions of video games. I'll repeat that: my opinion of video games, by doing this it is my hope that you will be able to decide what games to buy, to rent, and to avoid because they might give you the plague. How much you can believe is up to you and that is what this post is all about: establishing a base level of trust in all who read this blog. I was born here in State College, PA about 19 years ago. Pretty cool place to grow up, Party Town, USA right? Not really, in truth things became quickly pretty dull for a young kid after having no way to get a fake ID and the idea to not shave for a few days to look older didn't work out on the account that I had no beard. Also living in the middle of nowhere with hardly any neighbors around and definitely no kids to play with around the house I quickly fell into video games and fell hard.
One of the few things I can remember from when I was in first grade was playing the green and black Lode Runner on the old computers that the school had and using the real floppy disks that weren't a misnomer. I remember sonic, super Mario bros, super Nintendo, Sega genesis, Sega Saturn, Sega CD, Game gear, Gameboy (aka The Brick), Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advanced, Nintendo 64, Dreamcast, Playstation, Playstation 2, Playstation One, Xbox, of course all the computer games I could get my hands on through the years, and everything up to now, I have played them all, yes even the infamous Virtual Boy that cause nausea if you played for more than 30 minutes. From the time I could read I started to subscribe to gaming magazines. My drug was gaming and I was mainlining it. I even at several points in my life, to cope with the three hour (six hour round trip) drive to Pittsburgh every other weekend, set up an intricate mess of wires, consoles, and a T.V. so I could play P.S. 2 during the drive and let me tell you that was before the tiny flat screen panel of today, I had a heavy old T.V. the kind with the antennae and it was from my grandparents house so of course, black and white.
Over time I developed, moved from side-scrollers to shooters to R.P.G.s (Role-Playing Games) and I was never able to leave any behind, I just gained more and more, to MMORPGs to MMOFPSs to beta testing to starting this blog. I've played the most generic shooter (ex. Black) to the most artistic masterpiece (i.e. Shadow of the Colossus). I have even seen the development and growth of the stealth-action genre.(i.e. Metal Gear Solid, and Splinter Cell) My life has been games, my life is games and my future will hopefully be games too(I want to own and run my own game company) and I want to share my life with you.

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