Sunday, September 16, 2007

I just want to be friends

Danger everyone! You are under attack. Assaulted by those who are attempting to steal your identity. They take your information to do with it whatever they want, take out a loan in your name, use your credit card number, and become you, at least long enough to take all your money. Where do they get this information? They aren’t digging through your trash, stealing your mail, tapping your phone, or even listening to you when you talk to a bank teller. They aren’t some “hacker” or cracker, if you know the difference, sitting in their basement breaking into your bank account while watching the matrix and listening to techno. The ones who are stealing your identity just want to be your friends: confirm or ignore.
Nearly everyone now seems to have their own facebook or myspace page. On this page they talk about there day, their favorite movies, their pets, their favorite moments, as well as myriad superfluous information like: hometown, birthday, full name, and husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend. No big deal, just a few things about yourself that most of your friends already know anyways. This obscure information is exactly what a website wants you to only be partial to. Forgot your password? What is your hometown?/What is your favorite pets name?/Where were you born?/Where you went to high school?/What was the name of the town your high school was in? or ebay asks these questions and they also have our credit card numbers. We are happy to give them the answers but who else do we give the answers to?

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