Sunday, October 21, 2007

How to write right...

When I need to work on an essay, blog, letter, or anything else I need to write, I start by having an idea in my mind. I can develop my ideas anywhere, comic shop, game store, shower, street, car, doesn’t matter. Eventually, if it is a complex enough idea I’ll write down what I want to cover, but if I can keep everything in my head I’ll move on to the next step. At this point I’m ready to sit my ass down at my computer and write. Like most everyone else I start at the beginning with a strong starting sentence. After that I start writing and see where my mind and fingers take me. Every so often I go back and reread what I have written see if it makes sense and see if I can improve it. With a complex essay I might refer to my few notes and organize things a little more if possible. I try to keep on writing without pauses. Also, I try to keep writing to get my idea down on the paper before I lose my momentum. I write and write and unless I get stuck for some reason I finish my essay or writing in one swoop. When I finish, I reread my whole essay, alter things, and have a parent or a friend read it, tell me if it makes sense and give me ideas to improve it. I then finish up by reading my improved essay and printing it or posting it.

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