Sunday, October 14, 2007

Game intro:

Log Date: 6.29.2288
Location: Level SB9, Compartment 14352

This mission was supposed to save Humankind. To have us reach out and find a new home. To start anew on a new planet, to start without hatred of each other, to forget all the atrocities that we had done to others and ourselves, the mission’s name was, Destination: Home.
This ship contains the entire populace of Earth, at least what was left of it. The elders say that war had ravaged the land turning desert to glass with their bombs, forests to uncontrolled fires with there flame tanks, and turn cities to graveyards where the rubble of buildings are the tombstone of those who died. The Earth was on its deathbed and we were the cancer that took more than its fill and was going to die with it. Out of this dark place rose the greatest man of all Aldrin Ivalisa.
He was the great warrior that threw down his weapons and put aside his anger and in doing so was no longer blind. He and his squad of elites, known as the Dragoons, stopped the fighting by taking control of all the communication systems and broadcasting a message of peace and showing the proof that the earth was falling apart. Out of respect, or fear, all of the warriors of the world would no longer fight, forcing the leaders to join together to find the cure for Earth, it didn’t exist. The only choice was to leave earth and the mission to find a new home. The mission was a failure.
If I could call this hell on Earth I would but it isn’t. This place is far too small. The world seems to be constantly shrinking as each faction claims more and more of the ship for themselves. If anyone resist they are killed. People fear walking out of the homes. Religious sects fight each other with what they call righteous fury which is only an excuse to fight to the death, some worship aliens that they believe are out there, some stars, some even the ship itself. There are even whispers that say that there have been mutations on some of the upper levels. This decrepit ship is falling apart and it won’t last forever. We need help, we need a hero, and we need them now.

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