Sunday, November 25, 2007

Blog Assignment

The battle of learning versus amusement is over. For so long we, the students, had been hoping for a fun writing assignment and the blog assignment was it. Not only are we allowed to write what we want but we have an outlet to improve our writing skills. The blog assignment gave students a grade for just the small act of writing about something and everyone has something to write about. Some people chose to try and solve the problems of the world, others write about their adventures or misadventures, and some even wrote reviews or stories for their futures. The only improvements that I would recommend would be one, check to make sure everyone is on track and doing their blogs and two, have less assignments and more freedom on what to write. When I think about writing a blog I try to think about what I like, what I am complaining about recently, or even just what has been on my mind recently and this gives me ultimate freedom on what to write about. Every blog I write is another chance to write a review for a game or write another introduction to a game and by doing those I get to write what I really want to write about and improve in the career I wanted to go into. I really enjoyed this assignment and I hope that the fact that not every student did there blog every week doesn’t ruin it for the rest of us who really worked and had fun doing it.

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